De Grens, een radiodocumentaire van Petra Ardai en Geert van de Wetering (De Kostgangers) voor NTR en VPRO.
Frascati: Exit Europe / Enter Eutopia
In Exit Europa / Enter Eutopia spreken theatermakers, kunstenaars en schrijvers zich uit over de staat van Europa. Waar bevinden we ons, hoe zijn we hier in godsnaam terecht gekomen en wat voor mogelijke toekomst gaan we tegemoet? Een even verontrustende als visionaire avond met vlijmscherpe scènes, verrassende perspectieven en hoopvolle vooruitzichten. In een onzekere tijd waarin de politiek hopeloos lijkt te falen, is er immers nood aan grenzeloze verbeeldingskracht. Wie neemt de handschoen op?
Exit Europa / Enter Eutopia is een meertalige avond vol met pamfletten, theaterteksten, lecture performances, muziek en scènes.
It’s nearly 30 years ago that the Pan-European Picnic took place: the border between Hungary and Austria was opened for three hours on 19 August 1989. After a long time people could for the first time travel freely between Eastern and Western Europe. The Pan-European Picnic is an important catalyst in the political developments that eventually led to the opening of the Iron Curtain. The era of hope had dawned: a united free democratic Europe. Can we re-animate the unpolarized hope that was there by remembering the picnic? Can a memory be channeled to the present to give us aspiration and vigour? How should we commemorate and celebrate the picnic?
Petra Ardai (Amsterdam) and Eszter Babarczy (Budapest), are best friends from high school. In a Skype conversation they recall their adolescent dream of Europe, stand still by the impact of one man daring to say no and envision their most desirable scenario of commemorating the Pan European Picnic.
Eszter Babarczy, publicist, essayist, translator, senior researcher and associate professor at the Moholy Nagy University for Art and Design Budapest. She teaches media, sociology of media, networks and networked communication as well as anthropology, philosophy of mind/body/nature/nurture, and the extensions of the self in objects, spaces, fantasies and group identities.